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Why Being Authentic on Social Media is Better Than Being Trendy

September 06, 2024
  • 39
  • 8 min

Being authentic on social media can be a real game changer. Why, you ask? In the fast-paced, ever-evolving world of social media, trends are born every minute. From viral challenges to the latest fashion crazes, staying ahead of the curve can feel like a full-time job. 

It’s so tempting to chase trends, right? Especially when they can provide us with a chance to go viral and gain instant popularity. However, more and more people prefer transparency, so being authentic on your social media and offering original content is far more valuable than simply being trendy. 

In this article, we will list six reasons why you should always aim for authenticity over popularity, and how that can actually gain you a more sustainable followership than nailing every single social media trend would.

Why being authentic instead of trendy is better?

We’re sure you’ve come across influencers who are absolutely obsessed with one mascara today and an entirely different kind of mascara tomorrow. Makes you question whether either of those was actually any good, or did the brands in question just pay well. 

Phenomenon like ‘deinfluencing’ are proof of a shift in tides: people are tired of being sold lies. They want transparent brand visual identity and influencers they can trust, not just the other way around.  

That is emphasized even further by the fact that authenticity builds trust and loyalty, but it also leads to more meaningful connections and sustainable success. Here’s why being authentic on social media trumps the fleeting allure of trends.

1. Authenticity builds trust and credibility

In a digital landscape where anyone can use a design tool to curate a polished image, trust has become a rare and valuable commodity. As mentioned above, people are increasingly skeptical of content that feels overly staged or insincere. 

When you prioritize being authentic on social media, you offer your audience something real, something they can relate to and believe in. This genuine connection is the foundation of trust, and trust is the bedrock of any successful online presence.

For instance, when influencers or brands share unfiltered moments or honest opinions, it resonates more deeply with their followers. They appear human, with flaws and imperfections, just like everyone else. This relatability fosters a sense of community and loyalty that goes far beyond the temporary buzz generated by a trending hashtag.

2. Authenticity encourages deeper connections

Trends are often surface-level phenomena. While they do capture attention, trends rarely foster a deep emotional connection. Authenticity, on the other hand, invites the audience into your world. Just think of some Instagram Story ideas that help encourage your viewers to engage with you on a more personal level, whether through shared experiences, values, or beliefs.

  • When you share your true self — your passions, struggles, and triumphs — you create opportunities for meaningful conversations. 
  • These interactions are the lifeblood of social media, transforming casual followers into a devoted community. 
  • This happens because people remember how you made them feel, and when you connect with them authentically, you leave a lasting impression.

For example, it can be a post that felt like it was speaking directly to you, reflecting your thoughts or feelings. These are the moments that stick with you, and they happen when the person behind the post is being real, not just following a trend.

3. Authenticity leads to sustainable success

Trends come and go, often disappearing as quickly as they arrived. If you build your social media presence solely around what’s popular at the moment, you’ll find yourself constantly chasing the next big thing. Thus, you will be exhausted and unsustainable, as it requires you to continually reinvent yourself to stay relevant.

In contrast, authenticity on social media is timeless. When you focus on being true to yourself and your values, you create a brand or persona that stands the test of time. Your audience will appreciate the consistency and integrity, and your content will remain relevant even as trends fade.

Consider some of the most successful and enduring figures on social media — they are not necessarily the ones who jump on every trend. Instead, they are the ones who have carved out a unique niche, consistently offering content that reflects their true selves. Their success is built on trust, not the fleeting popularity of trends.

4. Authenticity reduces the pressure to conform

Social media can sometimes feel like a popularity contest, where everyone is striving to fit into the mold of what’s currently fashionable. This pressure to conform can easily stifle creativity and even lead to burnout. This follows from struggling to keep up with the latest trends and maintain an image that may not be true to whom you actually are.

  1. When you choose to be authentic on social media over trendiness, you liberate yourself from these pressures. 
  2. You no longer have to worry about whether you’re keeping up with the latest fad or whether your content is “cool” enough. 
  3. Instead, you can focus on creating content that genuinely reflects your interests, passions, and personality. Let that creativity loose!

This shift in focus can be incredibly freeing. It allows you to express yourself more fully and authentically, leading to a more enjoyable and fulfilling social media experience. It may feel scary at first, but your audience appreciates the real you, and you’ll find that the right people will naturally gravitate toward you.

5. Authenticity attracts the right audience

Bringing authenticity helps attract people who truly connect with you and your message. These are the people who will support your endeavors, spread your message, and stand by you even when the trends shift.

While having a large following can be impressive, if it’s not composed of engaged and loyal fans, it doesn’t hold much value. It’s much more beneficial to have a smaller, dedicated audience that is genuinely interested in what you have to say. 

That way, you ensure that your followers are there for the right reasons. They’re here not just because you’re part of the latest craze; but because they believe in you and what you stand for.

6. Authenticity fosters creativity and innovation

Trends often come with a set of unwritten rules about what’s popular and acceptable, which can limit your creativity. When you’re focused on being trendy, you might find yourself sticking to a certain formula to please the masses, rather than exploring new ideas and pushing boundaries.

On the other hand, being authentic on social media, you give yourself the freedom to create. You’re not bound by the constraints of what’s currently popular on TikTok, so you can experiment, take risks, and create truly unique content.

This originality is what sets you apart in a crowded digital space and can lead to groundbreaking ideas and trends of your own. It also means you’re not just following the crowd but leading it in your direction. 

Final thoughts

In a world where trends come and go, authenticity remains a powerful and enduring force. While chasing trends might bring short-term attention, it’s the authentic connections you build online that lead to long-term success and fulfillment. 

By being authentic on social media, you cultivate trust, foster meaningful relationships, and create a sustainable and impactful online presence. In the end, authenticity is not just better than being trendy — it’s the key to making a significant and sustainable difference in the digital world.

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